Skits - Invisible Bench

Cub Scout 1 walks onstage and squats down as if he is sitting on a bench that is invisible.

Cub Scout 2 walks up to Cub Scout 1.

Cub Scout 2:

“Whatcha doing?”

Cub Scout 1:

“Just sitting on this invisible bench.”

Cub Scout 2:

“Can I join you?”

Cub Scout 1:


Cub Scout 2 squats down to sit next to Cub Scout 1. Cub Scout 3 walks up to Cub Scouts 1 & 2.

Cub Scout 3:

“Hey, what are you guys doing?”

Cub Scouts 1 & 2:

“Just sitting on this invisible bench.”

Cub Scout 3:

“Do you mind if I join you?”

Cub Scouts 1 & 2:

“Not at all! Have a seat.”

Continue the dialog with each Cub Scout coming up to ask what the boys are doing and if he can join them until you get to the last Cub Scout.

Last Cub Scout:

“What are y’all doing?”

All Cub Scouts:

“Just sitting here on this invisible bench.”

Last Cub Scout:

“No you aren’t. I moved that bench over there yesterday.” Cub Scout points.

All Cub Scouts who are sitting fall down.